Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Brogan Hall

Another communication with [XXX]’s name on it. He continues to slander Mary Pat and pass on information that is simply false. I feel such disgust for him. Unlike anything I’ve ever really felt before. He makes it easy to think about leaving.

note from Arthur Levine

“it’s only technology of it’s invented after you were born.” words of a digital age youth.

New Orleans schools

The old has been thrown out. What has taken its place?
Assessment will be more and more formative and less summative.
Obama education agenda : data, testing, charters, accountability,… It’s the same as Republicans. Difference: Republicans bash unions in public, Democrats do it in private
I find myself so resistant to his vision. Cynical about the “reform” on the horizon.

10 research session

  • Reduction in number of men teachers - especially in 10-14 y/o
  • dramatic reduction of scores by minorities if name and race goes on paper before taking vs doing after taking. Living into stereotypes. Intervention to overcome stereotypes.
  • social psychology
  • Robert K. Merton for source of eg terms : unintended consequence,
‘founded the sociology of science. Merton developed notable concepts such as “unintended consequences”, the “reference group”, and “role strain” but is perhaps best known for having created the terms “role model” and “self-fulfilling prophecy”’Wikipedia
  • reference to research that “broke behaviorism”

keynote speaker,

Cf. New York times columns in math by Stephen Strogatz. Book about his high school calculus teacher. Joy of x
Steven Strogatz
To answer questions that one would never ask, is really boring.


my brother’s birthday

Mary Pat reports that it is also Doug’s birthday, an opportunity to pray. I don’t even seem to have an email for David. Well, I’ve tried Facebook, which hasn’t worked in the past to get a response.+ Mary Pat father death day : kaddish
Help me to know how to support, when to lead, How to follow.
  • telling the folks and friends, little by little
  • Dave Coleman : is basic goodness came through, with congratulations and an invitation to a party


cyclone from middle of night, like wb Yeats, “widening gyre.”
March 9
PSALM 85:13 ISAIAH 6 :-4 LUKE 14:15-24
What is both Good and New about the Good News is the wild claim that Jesus did simply tell us that not God loves us even in our wickedness and folly and wants us to love each other the same way and to love Him too, but that if we let Him, God will actually bring about this unprecedented transformation of our hearts Himself.
What is both Good and New about the Good News is that mad insistence that Jesus lives on among us not just as another haunting memory but as the outlandish, holy, and invisible power of God working not just through the sacraments but in countless
hidden ways to make even slobs like loving and us whole beyond anything we could conceivably pull off by ourselves.
Thus the Gospel is not only Good and New but if you take it seriously, a Holy Teror Jesus never claimed that the process of being changed from a slob into a human being was going to be a Sunday School picnic. On the contrary. Child-birth may occasionally be painless, but rebirth never. Part of what it means to be a slob is to hang on for dear life to our slobbery.
Frederick Buechner



Kuana Torres Kahele
Kuana Torres Kahele (esp. Hallelujah” on youtube. This is marvelous Hawaiian slack key guitar and singing that we should take with us on our move.


I remember discussions from seminary days and beyond, about the notion that there was such a thing as a mere symbol.